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Rizarios Ecclesiastical School


The Rizarios Ecclesiastical School (R.E.S.) has been operating since 1844. From its foundation, the school was housed in the premises of the large plot of land on Vasilissis Sofias Street, while from the school year 1960-61, it was transfered on the facilities built on the Rizarios estate in Halandri. From 1894 to 1908, the director of the school was Agios Nektarios, Metropolitan of Pentapolis.
A general ecclesiastical high school (A, B & C class) operates at the premises today. R.E.S. has a remarkable teaching staff with a very positive contribution to the training of students. The graduates of the general ecclesiastical high school have the opportunity to access higher education like all the graduates of the general high schools in the country. The School is housed in modern and comfortable facilities in a pleasant and healthy natural environment in Halandri, within which a boarding house for the students of the high school operates. The boarders are provided with free food, accommodation, educational material and medical care.

The journey through time

The vision of George Rizaris was the high-level education of the Clergy and the operation of a Higher Ecclesiastical Academy in Athens. The proposal was ratified in 1841 and implemented by Royal Decrees in 1843.
The School opened on 15 May 1844, after its operation had been secured by the purchase of real estate and every detail of its operation was addressed by Rizaris himself. With the declaration of the Greek-Italian war and the subsequent requisition, the operation of the School was suspended.
Its reopening began in 1960. In 1970-1980, the transfer of the Foundation’s educational activities to Chalandri took place.

Over the years, with continuous additions and improvements to the building infrastructure, the School has provided the society with important personalities, hierarchs, academics, teachers, professionals, always ensuring the adaptation to the prevailing conditions from time to time, without changing the fundamental values of its operation.

R.E.S. has always operated and still continues to operate with respect to the will of its Benefactors and their vision always remains relevant. The executors of the Will (the members of the Multi-Party Council) ensure that the Foundation’s real estate is used appropriately, fulfilling its purposes in the best possible way.

Today, in the place of the Ecclesiastical School in Chalandri, an Ecclesiastical Lyceum flourishes. A boarding school for boys and the Rizarios Library operate on these premises as well. The library, adapting to the new circumstances, is not only a place for the collection of printed documents and but is also the information management body, as it offers the necessary know-how for the development of economic, cultural, educational and scientific sectors. The Rizarios Library will, additionally, host the Rizarios Gallery.

The ecclesiastical tradition of the Foundation continues with the establishment of the S.C.C.D. (School of Clergy Candidate Discipleship).

In 1888-1889, the construction of the Church of St. George took place on the site of the old Rizarios School on Vas. Sophia Street in the centre of Athens, where it is still located today and where the building of the old hospital, which is now preserved, is housed in an adjacent area, after its complete restoration. This space has symbolic and essential importance, as it is an expression of philanthropy, conveys the aesthetics of another era and houses cultural activities, social reflection and historical memory.

In the beliefs of the brethren, beneficence was identified with the concept of virtue.
And all this was consistent with the value of knowledge and education.
“ …ενάρετος όστις ευεργετεί…”


Rizarios provides the following free of charge:

Wonderful, pleasant, healthy natural environment of 70 acres.

Comfortable, modern building and sports facilities.

Comfortable, modern building and sports facilities.

High level training.

Highly qualified and experienced teaching staff.

Rich library and well-equipped computer room.

Direct and effective cooperation between parent – teacher – student.

Foreign Languages, Informatics, Iconography and Byzantine Music.

Systematic remedial teaching.

Accommodation (optional), food, medical and pharmaceutical care.


General Ecclesiastical High School

The General Ecclesiastical High School is theoretical and technological, with special theological courses.

  • All students are scholars (internal or external).
  • All scholars are provided with free education, books and writing material.
  • Scholars staying in the boarding house (interns) are provided with free accommodation, food and medical care.
  • Students may, if they wish, not stay at the Boarding School (external), if their parents or guardians reside in Athens and declare in writing that they do not wish the student to stay at the Boarding School and that they will move to and from the R.E.S. school on their own responsibility and care. In any case, students will be obliged to attend the school’s educational programme and events even in the evening hours.
  • Students are selected after evaluation.
  • Candidates who have not exceeded 20 years of age are eligible for evaluation – registration.
  • Graduates of any type of public or private secondary school in Greece or a recognized equivalent school abroad are eligible for the evaluation process.
Ριζάρειος Εκκλησιαστική Σχολή εξωτερικός χώρος

Get detailed information from the website of the G.E.L of R.E.S: lyk-rizar.att.sch.gr e-mail G.E.L of R.E.S: mail@lyk-rizar.att.sch.gr and secretary.gel@rizarios.gr

School of Clergy Candidate Apprenticeship (S.C.C.D.)

The ecclesiastical tradition of the Rizarios Foundation continues with the establishment of the S.C.C.D. (School of Clergy Candidate Discipleship).
Based on the law 4823 of 2021, schools of apprenticeship for clergy candidates (SCCD) were created, for the education of priests. This is a new structure with the exclusive aim of training clergy.
It is of two-year duration and applies to high school graduates. By law, three Schools of Clergy Candidate Apprenticeship were established in Athens (Rizarios School), Ioannina (Vellas School) and Crete (Ecclesiastical School of Crete) and only their graduates are entitled to be employed and paid by the Greek State.
Relevant articles of the law state:

  • Ιt is a post-secondary ecclesiastical education.
  • The exclusive purpose of the Clergy Candidate Training Schools (S.C.C.D.) is the training of clergy candidates of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ, according to Article 3 of the Constitution, of high educational level and ecclesiastical ethics, with commitment to democratic values, to serve in Greece or in the communities of the expatriate Hellenism.
  • Graduates are awarded an apprenticeship diploma.
  • Graduates follow a priestly discipleship program (internship).

Take a look at the FEK of the Institution


Ριζάρειος Εκκλησιαστική Σχολή αίθουσα μαθημάτων

The Library operates under the supervision of the Multilateral Council of the Foundation. Library’s establishment began many years before the foundation of the School and when its foundation was still only a pious vision of the late Rizari Brothers. Its mission is to familiarize students with information resources and the use of new technologies. As a school library, it serves the needs of the students, supports the educational role of the teachers of the General Ecclesiastical High School and allows researchers to study several subjects in the field of humanities and especially theology.

Link to the electronic catalogue of the Rizarios Library


Monday to Thursday 9 am to 20.00,
Friday 9 am to 16.00.
Closed in August and public holidays.


The lending of books and journals concerns, for the time being, only the students and staff of the Foundation.

Γεώργιος Ριζάρης Λογότυπο
